RTU !!! Tech-Fest 2015!!!!! Biggest Fest of Rajasthan technical University (Prizes, Winners, Cash awards and Events decoded)

RTU Tech-Fest 2015 Biggest Fest of Rajasthan technical University

Rajasthan Technical University is organizing one of its first kind of an event Tech-fest for around 140 Engineering-management colleges which are under RTU affiliation.

Several stages of the event

First stage(College level Round )will be held in February first -second week and the winners will qualify for zonal rounds

For this , 12 zones are created by the Rajathan Technical University

Winners of zonal rounds will join the finale round at RTU campus in march mid month.

Winners will be awarded by cash prizes and kind pries and recognition.
It  will be the biggest fest as far as Rajasthan technical University is concerned .

Names of the events which are going to rock your minds


  • Dance    
  •   Singing 
  •  Personality contest
  • Debate  


  • Code blockers
  •  Crazy structure 
  •  Gravitation 
  •  Junk yard
  • Robo Olympic
  •  Tech kick 
  • Tech quiz 
  • Finding faulty
  •  Treasure hunt and
  •  woo DRONE making

In twelve zones there will be 15 to 20 colleges which will show their talent in the tech-fest.
specially an Aircraft competition will be organize by the RTU to to build a DRONE within as low cost as the participants can.

For more info stay connect , we will come with the event details eligibility and helping section for the participants.

For Any queries pls do comment in the below comment section :

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